Step 2: Create Contact Person for Customer (SD)

You will able to create the master data for a contact person

Step 2: Create Contact Person for Customer 

Already we have created the master data for our new customer The Bike Zone, Now we can create the master data for a contact person. As we know a contract person is an employee or respective of the new customer's company whose responsibility is to communicate with The Bike Zone.
Before this step, you must complete the first step that is Create New Customer.

To create a contact person type VAP1 in the search box and press Enter. or you can follow the menu path: Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Master Data ► Business Partner ► Contact Person ► Create

If your customer number is not entered by default, then select the search box and press F4 functions key. Search Term: ###, Postal Code: 32804 and click on Find. Now you can find your customer number just double click on it. Confirm with Enter

Now click on the button to create a new person

Choose “Contact Person” in the drop-down menu next to Create in BP role. In the new pop-up screen Change to another BP role in create mode click on Create.

Title: Mr. or Mrs.
First Name: Your First Name
Last Name: Your last Name and ###
Correspondence lang.:EN
Country: US
Check with the below screen and click on Save
Now you can see a unique number for a Business partner.

Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

Now you have successfully completed the Step 2, so you have to complect the Step 3: Create BP Relationship Click here


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..