Step 10: Check Stock Status

Step 10: Check Stock Status using MMBE 

To check on the inventory for the bikes in the sales order for The Bike Zone, follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Inventory Management ► Environment ► Stock ► Stock Overview  or use T-Code MMBE

This will produce the following screen.

If the Material and Plant fields are not automatically filled in, click on the Material field, then click on the search icon . Use the Sales material by description tab with 

UE00 for Sales Organization, 
WH for Distribution Channel 
*### for Material. 
Pick the black Deluxe Touring bike. 
Then, enter MI00 in the Plant field.

When Material Number and Plant is filled click on the Execute 

This will produce the following screen

Note that the 5 bikes for The Bike Zone order are now shown as Schd. for delivery. Click on the enter icon to close the Detailed Display window.

Click on Exit to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

Click here to complect step 11 i.e Pick Materials on Delivery Note VL02N


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..