Step 7: Check Stock Status Using MMBE

Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to check the stock status using MMBE

Step 7: Check Stock Status Using MMBE 

In previous module we have already created Sales Order Referencing a Quotation. That's means The Bike Zone has agreed with the terms & conditions and wants to order the bike. I hope you have remembered that you have order 5 Deluxe Touring Bike (Black) and 2 professional Touring Bike (Black). 

You can check on the inventory level of the bike you have ordered for the bike zone. You can follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Inventory Management ► Environment ► Stock ► Stock Overview  or you can type MMBE in the Search box and confirm with Enter.

The following screen will be appear


Now click on the material field then click on the search icon. Use the far-right icon *** to select the tab Sales Material by Description.

 Enter UE00 for Sales Organization, 
WH for Distribution Channel and
 Material *### (e.g. *002 if your number is 002). 
Then click the enter icon to find the list of materials. 

Double-click on the Deluxe Touring Bike (black) to select it.

With the material number entered from the search list, enter MI00 for Plant. Then click on Execute to look at the stock level.

You can get more detail on the stock of black Deluxe Touring bikes. Select the Miami DC, then click on Details Display . This will give you very specific information about the inventory of black Deluxe Touring bikes.

Note the 5 bikes that are part of the sales order. Click on the enter icon to close the Detailed Display window, then click on the back icon to return to the main screen.

Use the search function to enter the material number for the Professional Touring bike (black). Click on the execute icon and review the stock level for this bike.

Click on the Exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen. Now you have to complete the next step i.e Display Sales Order Click Here 


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..