Step 8: Maintain Quotations from Vendors

 Step 8: Maintain Quotations from Vendors

Now we have received different quotations from our vendors. We need a comparison to support the vendor selection process  

To maintain quotations from vendors, follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► RFQ/Quotation ► Quotation ► Maintain  or use the T-Code: ME47


To find your Quotation Number(RFQ) from Mid-West supply vendor use F4 key and enter vendor number in RFQ field.

On the Purchasing Documents per Supplier tab, you need to find and select your vendor Mid-West Supply first. Position your cursor in the Vendor field and press F4 again. Start the search after typing your three-digit number (###) as Search term and postal code 68528. Double click on your vendor to select it. Now your vendor number is put in the vendor field press enter or click on Find option to find the first RFQ number you have created in previous step. 

 Double-click on your RFQ to populate the number into the RFQ field on the Maintain Quotation : Initial Screen screen. Then press Enter or Overview. 


In the Maintain Quotation: Item Overview screen, enter a net price of 32 USD. Click on Select All Items. Then, click on to display conditions. Here, other discounts and surcharges included in the quotation could be specified. In our case, just set the Valid to data to three months from today, confirm your entries with Enter.

Click on Back icon to go back to the line item overview. Then, click on to save your maintained quotation for your Mid-West Supply vendor. The system acknowledges the changes to your first quotation with a success message.


Repeat this process for the other two RFQs you created. Make sure you use the above-described search criteria to find the vendors for your number (###). Enter the following prices:
Dallas Bike Basics :   36.50 USD
Spy Gear :                  35.00 USD
Make sure you save both RFQs and receive the system success messages.

 Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen
To complete the Step 9: Evaluate quotations on price using T-code ME49 Click here 


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..