Step 9: Evaluate quotations on price

 Step 9: Evaluate quotations on price using T-code ME49

Generate a comparison list for the prices obtained from each of the vendors. The comparison list ranks the quotations by item from lowest to highest price. The successful vendor (Mid-West Supply) has been selected using the criteria of lowest bidder. It is now necessary to notify the unsuccessful bidders that their quotation will not be accepted. This is accomplished by flagging those vendors needing to be notified.

To flag/reject quotations, follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► RFQ/Quotation ► Quotation ► Price Comparison or T-code ME49

Enter Purchasing Organization US00, and Collective RFQ RFQ1###(### means last 3 digit number of your SAP ID). Select Mean Value Quotation and Determine Effective Price.

Then, select Execute to execute the price comparison. This shows the following screen.

Determine the Vendor that you are going to do business with (the lowest priced quotation) by rejecting the other two. To do so, double-click on the quotation number with 36.50 USD. This will produce the following screen.

Select Rej. Ind. to indicate rejection of this quotation. Click on . Acknowledge the warning message prompted by the system with Yes and save anyway. 

Repeat the process for the second quotation to be rejected (35.00 USD).

Click on the exit icon twice to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

Now to complete the next step: Create Purchase Order Referencing an RFQ Click here


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..