Step 6: Create Sales Order Referencing a Quotation

Step 6: Create Sales Order Referencing a Quotation

Sales order processing can originate from a variety of documents and activities
•Customer Information
•Material/service and quantity
•Pricing (conditions)
•Specific delivery dates and quantities
•Shipping information
•Billing Information

  • The sales document is made up of three primary areas:
  1. Header: Data relevant for the entire sales order: Ex: customer data, total cost of the order

     2.Line Item(s): Information about the specific product: Ex: material and quantity, cost of an individual line

     3.Schedule Line(s): Uniquely belongs to a Line Item, contains delivery quantities and dates for partial deliveries

The Bike Zone has agreed to the terms and conditions in the quotation, and wants to order the bikes in the quotation. As a result, we can simplify the order creation process by copying the quotation into a sales order. So now type VA01 in the search box and confirm with Enter. or you can follow the menu path: Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Sales ► Order ► Create

Enter Order Type: OR. Then click on the Create With Referance.

Make sure that the Quotation tab is selected, click on the Quotation field, then on the search icon .
On the following search window, make sure you select the "Sales document according to customer PO number" tab, Enter ### for PO number, then click on the enter icon Start Search.

After double-clicking on the quotation, the number for the quotation will be entered into the Create with Reference window.
With the Quotation number entered, click on to copy the information from the quotation into the sales order screen.

Cust. Reference: ###
Cust. Ref. Date: Today's Date
Note that the is copied from the quotation. Click on to save the sales order. The SAP system will assign a sales order number.
Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..