Step 16: Post Receipt of Customer Payment

 Step 16: Post Receipt of Customer Payment Using T-Code F-28

After The Bike Zone mails its payment, it needs to be recorded. To do this, follow the menu path: Accounting ► Financial Accounting ►Accounts Receivable ► Document Entry ► Incoming Payments  Or You can use T-Code F-28 

This will produce the following screen.


Document date : Today's Date
Company Code: US00
Currency/Rate: USD
Account: 100000
Amount: 20.092,50
Under Open item selection, click on the Account field, then the search icon , to get the following search pop-up window.

As The Bike Zone was created with the data set number (###) as a search term, you can use this and the City Orlando to find your Bike Zone customer. After entering ### and Orlando on the Customers (by company code) tab, click on and you will get the following results.

After double-clicking on Bike Zone to select it, click on the Process Open Items button. You will get the following screen.

If the Not assigned field does not show a 0.00 balance, double-click on the 20,092.50 amount to assign the payment to the accounts receivable.

Then click on Post to post the payment. The system will assign a document number automatically.
Click on the exit icon , which will produce the following pop-up window.
There is no data to be lost, so click on the Yes icon to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

Click here to complect step 17 i.e Review Document Flow


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Competent and committed Trainer in the domain of IoT, Python, RPA and R programing. An ideal combination of administrative and analytical skills in the field of education and emerging technologies..