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SAP Certification Exam Slot Booking Process


 SAP Certification Exam Appointment

Here we will discuss how to schedule SAP Certification Exam Slot. Before that you must choose any courses from the 18 learning Journey and start learning. Make sure for this exam you don't have to pay any amount, it's completely free as you have Voucher Code.
SAP Learning Journeys
Recommended Courses
  1. For B.com, MBA, BBA, LLB
  • SAP Analytics Cloud
  • SAP S/4HANA Finance -Financial Accounting
  • RISE with SAP S/4HANA Project Management
  • RISE with SAP 4/HANA cloud- Sales
  • SAP s/4HAN Sourcing and Procurement
  • SAP Analytics Cloud
  • Application Development for SAP HANA
  • SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori Applications
  • SAP Integration Suite
Part A:

Now may be are wandering how to enroll or select the course. For that you have to go through SAP Learning Hub, Next-Gen and top right side corner you can find profile icon, click on it. The you have to enter your outlook mail id (Provided from college) and password which you have set. 

After successfully logged in, click on the Learn Tab and search the course name in search box. Also if you scroll down you also find the course as well. 

After selection the course, you will redirect to the Join the SAP Learning Room page where lecture video, note, e-book are given and start learning as much as possible. 

Part B 

Now we have to book the exam slot,  as we are on the SAP Learning Hub portal, click on the Certify Tab. Under schedule your exam text, you have to click Here. May be you have to configure the account time zone and accept the terms and condition and Save.

After accepting all the terms and condition, Click on the Exam Dashboard  and find exam subscriptions details. Same as the bellow screen. 

From the Exam list, you have to find your course name(Ref: 18th Learning Journey) for example I'm selecting SAP Analytics Cloud, then click on the Calendar icon for schedule appointment. 
Select time: Asia/Kolkata.
Select Date: Before 30th Sep,2022(after completed the learning, as soon as possible)
Select time: As you wish
and click on the Save Appointment.

Still you are facing any problem, don't hesitate to contact as. 
Wish you all the best and happy learning.

Step 11: Create Goods Receipt for Purchase Order using T-Code MIGO_GR


 Step 11: Create Goods Receipt for Purchase Order Using T-Code MIGO_GR

Now we have to create purchases order referencing our purchase order thereby ensuring that we receive the products ordered within the timeframes requested and in quality condition.

To create a goods receipt for a purchase order, follow the menu path:
Logistics ► Materials Management ► Inventory Management ►
Goods Movement ► GR for Purchase Order or follow the T-Code MIGO_GR

Now you have check that Goods Receipt and Purchase Order  are selected in the dropdown lists.  Enter your PO number in the field next to them. You might want to search for your PO number by using the F4-Help. In that case use the Purchasing Documents for Material tab, enter your material and select
Standard PO (NB) for Order Type. Then, select your purchase order. Delete the number in the second field next to your PO number. After getting your PO Number just double click on it. 

You should see two lines with 100 ea each of Chain lock. Here we only work on the first line. In the case that you have only one line with 200 ea of the Chain look please change the Quantity from 200 to 100. Then, check OK. SLoc (Storage location) Trading Goods should already be entered.

Finally, click on to post your goods receipt. The system will create a unique goods receipt document. Now click on the Exit and back to SAP Easy Access menu.

Step: 10 Create Purchase Order Referencing an RFQ using T-code


 Step: 10 Create Purchase Order Referencing an RFQ using T-code ME21N

Using SAP Hana, create Purchase order for Material management
Create Purchase order in SAP MM Module

In our previous steps we have created different Request for Quotation (RFQ) for different vendor. Now we are supposed to create Purchase Order(PO) based on our previous created RFQ. If you remember, we have already rejected two quotations in the step no 9 as these two quotation aren't effective. Quotation 1 which is belongs to Mid-West-Supply will deliverer the same quantity(200 chain lock) of product with affordable price that's is clearly indicated by the SAP application and rank is 1.

Now we are easily understood that we are more interested to create the Purchase Order only for the vendor Mid-West-Supply. To complete this step we can follow the T-Code ME21N or follow the Menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► Purchase Order
► Create ► Vendor/Supplying Plant Known 

After entering the T-Code or follow the menu path the scree will be like this. If there is no navigation screen on the left side, click on the Document Overview On 
As selection variant choose Requests for quotations as shown below.

In the following screen, in the Material Number field use the F4 help to find your chain lock trading good.On the Material by Material Type tab, select Material Type Trading Goods (HAWA) and enter  *### (e.g. *012 if your number is 012) in the Material field. Then, press Enter or click on ✅Start Search. 

Double-click on your chain lock (CHLO1###) to select it. When your material number is populated in the Material Number field, make sure that all other search criteria fields are blank and click on Execute. This will produce a screen with your three RFQs.

Now Click on Change Breakdown icon. In the following popup, select Vendor Name, in the right table and click on  to add it to the sort criteria. Then, select vendor name in the left table and click on  to display the vendor name first, then the document number. After you have confirmed your changes by clicking on Transfer, you will see the names of your vendors in alphabetic order.

Now Click on the right part of the Select Layout icon(Check below picture) and choose Change layout, Select Material in the right table and click on  to add it to the displayed columns.

After you have confirmed your changes by clicking on Transfer and expanding all three folders, you will see the following screen. 

Select the checkbox that you want to reference (Mid-West Supply) and select 🗊 to adopt the information.
            Note: If you try and adopt one of the other quotations you will get a message that the quotation item is already rejected.

Verify that the system copied the 
Material number CHLK1###(### will replaced by your last 3 digit number of SAP ID) 
Quantity: 200
Deliv.Date: Three months from today
Net Price: 32

Now we have to check the Header data, if the Header data ius not displayed, open the section by clicking on 卤 Header. On the condition tab, record the total value of the purchase order(6,400 USD).

If the line item data is not displayed, open the section by clicking on 卤 Item Detail. On the Delivery Schedule select the first line. Then, click on below Split line icon  the table to perform a schedule line split.

Acknowledge the red error message by changing the Sched Qty. of the first line from 200 to 100. Then, enter the following data for the second line:

Delivery Date: One week after the first delivery
Sched Qty.: 100
Purchase Req.: same as previous line
Requisn Item: same as previous line
Then, press enter from your keyboard. Verify your item details with the screenshot below

If you successfully enter all the data then click on Save to save the purchase order document number. 

Now the system will generate a unique purchase order document number. Please note down the number. Finally we have created the PO and now you exit to return to the SAP Easy  Access Menu.

Step 9: Evaluate quotations on price


 Step 9: Evaluate quotations on price using T-code ME49

Generate a comparison list for the prices obtained from each of the vendors. The comparison list ranks the quotations by item from lowest to highest price. The successful vendor (Mid-West Supply) has been selected using the criteria of lowest bidder. It is now necessary to notify the unsuccessful bidders that their quotation will not be accepted. This is accomplished by flagging those vendors needing to be notified.

To flag/reject quotations, follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► RFQ/Quotation ► Quotation ► Price Comparison or T-code ME49

Enter Purchasing Organization US00, and Collective RFQ RFQ1###(### means last 3 digit number of your SAP ID). Select Mean Value Quotation and Determine Effective Price.

Then, select Execute to execute the price comparison. This shows the following screen.

Determine the Vendor that you are going to do business with (the lowest priced quotation) by rejecting the other two. To do so, double-click on the quotation number with 36.50 USD. This will produce the following screen.

Select Rej. Ind. to indicate rejection of this quotation. Click on . Acknowledge the warning message prompted by the system with Yes and save anyway. 

Repeat the process for the second quotation to be rejected (35.00 USD).

Click on the exit icon twice to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

Now to complete the next step: Create Purchase Order Referencing an RFQ Click here

Step 8: Maintain Quotations from Vendors


 Step 8: Maintain Quotations from Vendors

Now we have received different quotations from our vendors. We need a comparison to support the vendor selection process  

To maintain quotations from vendors, follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► RFQ/Quotation ► Quotation ► Maintain  or use the T-Code: ME47


To find your Quotation Number(RFQ) from Mid-West supply vendor use F4 key and enter vendor number in RFQ field.

On the Purchasing Documents per Supplier tab, you need to find and select your vendor Mid-West Supply first. Position your cursor in the Vendor field and press F4 again. Start the search after typing your three-digit number (###) as Search term and postal code 68528. Double click on your vendor to select it. Now your vendor number is put in the vendor field press enter or click on Find option to find the first RFQ number you have created in previous step. 

 Double-click on your RFQ to populate the number into the RFQ field on the Maintain Quotation : Initial Screen screen. Then press Enter or Overview. 


In the Maintain Quotation: Item Overview screen, enter a net price of 32 USD. Click on Select All Items. Then, click on to display conditions. Here, other discounts and surcharges included in the quotation could be specified. In our case, just set the Valid to data to three months from today, confirm your entries with Enter.

Click on Back icon to go back to the line item overview. Then, click on to save your maintained quotation for your Mid-West Supply vendor. The system acknowledges the changes to your first quotation with a success message.


Repeat this process for the other two RFQs you created. Make sure you use the above-described search criteria to find the vendors for your number (###). Enter the following prices:
Dallas Bike Basics :   36.50 USD
Spy Gear :                  35.00 USD
Make sure you save both RFQs and receive the system success messages.

 Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen
To complete the Step 9: Evaluate quotations on price using T-code ME49 Click here 

Step 7: Create Request for Quotation in SAP S4/HANA


 Step 7: Create Request for Quotation in SAP S4/HANA

Quotation is a document that a supplier submits to client with a fixed price for the supplier's goods or service based on certain conditions. In the quotation, the supplier usually include quite a bit of details like name of the materials, materials cost, delivery date. This information is needed to support the selection of a vendor to fill the need for your chain locks.

To create an Request for Quotation (RFQ), you can follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► RFQ/Quotation ► Request for Quotation ► Create or you can use T-Code: ME41


In Create RFQ: Initial Screen, make sure 
RFQ Type: AN
Language Key: EN
RFQ Date: Today's Date
Quotation Deadline: One month from today's Date

In the Organizational Data section
Purch. Organization: US00
Purchasing Group :N00

In the Default Data for Items, 
Plant: MI00 
Then select Reference to PReq 


If your Purchase Requisition number is not already entered, use the F4 help to find the number of your purchase requisition. Make sure Purchase Requisitions per Material is selected, then enter CHLK1###(Last 3 digit of  your SAP ID) as Material . Now click on Find or look at the below screen

Now you can find your Material number so double click on the it and your purchase number will entered. After getting your number click on Continue


In the Create RFQ: Selection List: Purchase Requisitions screen,
Enter SLoc(Storage Location): TG00. Click on Select All Items, then click on Adopt to adopt all item information into the RFQ.


In the Create RFQ: Item Overview screen, click on Header Details  . 
Enter RFQ1### as Coll. No. Remember to replace ### with your three-digit number. After comparing your entry with the screen below, click on Overview to display the line items.


In the Create RFQ: Item Overview screen, review the line items and ensure they are correct. Then, select Supplier Address to display the vendor address.

In the Create RFQ: Supplier Address screen in the Vendor field, use the F4 help to find your vendor Mid-West Supply. In order to do so, use the fields Search term (### = your SAP ID) and postal code (68528) and double-click on the result row to insert the number into the Vendor field. Then, click on Enter which will populate your vendor’s data into corresponding fields

Click on to Save your RFQ. If a warning message appears, press Yes to save anyway.
The SAP system will create a unique document number.


Stay in the same screen and repeat the last step twice to create the same RFQ for our vendors Dallas Bike Basics and Spy Gear.
In order to find your vendor, in the Vendor field use the F4 help again. This time, enter your number (###) in the Search term field and US for country. Then, press Enter to display your set of US vendors (see list below).

First, double-click on Dallas Bike Basics to select it. Back on the Create RFQ : Supplier Address screen, press Enter and click on for the second RFQ. Again, accept the system warning message with Yes.

Repeat the same procedure to create a third RFQ (for Spy Gear) and click on .
Click on the icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen and answer the Exit Document popup with No. 

To complete the next step Click Here 

Step 6: Display Stock/Requirements List


 Step 6: Display Stock/Requirements List

Display and review the stock/requirements list for your chain locks on hand and the demand that exists against this product. Since we just created a purchase requisition for 200 of them, this event should be visible within the stock/requirements list with a date of roughly 3 months from today.

To display the stock/requirements list again, follow the menu path: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Inventory Management ► Environment ► Stock ► Stock/Requirements List  or Use the T-Code: MD04                        

If not already defaulted in, enter your Material CHLK1### and Plant MI00. Then click on Continue

Your stock/requirements list should now look similar to the screen below. Make sure Available Quantity under stock is 0 but available quantity under purchase requisition must be 200 as we have just created requisition for 200 material(Chain Lock).

Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
 To complete the Step 7: Create Request for Quotation  Click here

Our Team

  • Ansar AliEngineer / Global Certified SAP, RPA Trainer
  • Subharanjan BasuMaster / Computers
  • Syed Faizan AliMaster / Computers